Saturday, February 2, 2013

Iron Man 3

I am pretty stoked to see what Shane Black has in store for us in IRON MAN 3 and below you can check out a brand new poster for the film that features Iron Man/Tony Stark doing something we previously saw him doing in THE AVENGERS- falling from the sky unconscious. I’m not saying this image is necessarily played out, but it something we’ve already seen nonetheless, except the only difference is you can see Stark’s unconscious face as he’s falling. I kind of dig the way the poster kind of plays with the idea of a falling hero, which may be the theme of the film so that’s why I’m not totally against it.
I have a pretty good feeling about the film in general in spite of the bad taste IRON MAN 2 left me with and I have high hopes for the blockbusters this year in general. As for the poster, I really dig the visual style, but I can’t help but feel the background is a bit too bland and boring and could have used a little extra flare to make the poster really pop. Oh well, can’t judge a film by its poster (most of the time) so we will see what Shane Black has in store for us on May 3rd.
What do you think of the new IRON MAN 3 poster?


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